
Jesus the Sacred Feminine

A statue of Isis nursing her son, housed in the  Louvre The Queen of Heaven is a never ending presence in the pantheon of the G-d's. Or She is a never ending mythological figure created to answer the human need for a feminine presence. Or ...? I am not here to proselytize nor ridicule  I am here to simply point out the reality that throughout humanities story the Divine has eventually always come to include the Feminine. Today the Roman Catholic Church has 'Mary the Queen of Heaven'. Ancient Judaism had Ashira. Egypt had Isis.  Chinese Buddhism of many denominations has Kuan Yin. It seems to me that there is an inherent need to honour the Feminine. I am sure that there are many reasons for this need. But all I know at this time is that when I try to bring my personality into balance I find a need to become a nurturer. To tend a garden, to offer praise and assistance, to encourage and sustain people who are in trouble. To become in some way what Western Society has

Kuan Yin # 100 ~ A Last Word

Buddha and the gods speak the highest truth in oracles, The stupid man lies and turns his back on it all - Dear Reader: I beg you to go the whole way with this ... There's no time left to hope for better things.

Kuan Yin # 99 ~ Burn Out

To try to rein in a flogged horse is too late, To be half burnt-out alive, with the other half dead - It's like having the whole house on fire around you, The summer rains will come and dissolve it all to mud.

Kuan Yin # 98 ~ Trapped

I ask you to look at your business slowly and carefully, It's not a good idea to be lazy - it's provocative ... It's like when a handful of birds are caught in a snare, They have to learn to see the subtleties of the trap.

Kuan Yin # 97 ~ The Living Image

A candle in the breeze casts flickering shadows, Flurried and blurred they fan out like willow-flowers ... The boy adrift at sea pleads to be picked up - Just learn to be true to yourself, like a raft on the water.

Kuan Yin # 96 ~ The Beacon Of Truth

The precious pagoda: there's no need to keep searching - It refracts its multifaceted light in every direction ... The sage says: be willing to work, pray, and bow down - And if you do, Heaven can bless you with every reward.