The Only Being More Dangerous In the Canadian North Than A Rutting Male Grizzly Is A Female Grizzly Protecting Her Young

These women are smiling now but may the G-d's preserve anyone who tries to move Athabaskan Tar Sands Dilbit through their territory!

As a decent honourable man I feel the need to warn Enbridge and the various governments that are pushing the Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal as well as the proposal to run Supertankers laden with Dilbit along the coast of British Columbia Canada. I need to warn them that they will not be allowed to run the Athabaskan Tar Sands black death through the lands these women know are theirs. 
 So here goes;

The women of the villages are dead set against a pipeline or supertankers running the black death that is produced in the Athabaskan Tar Sands through their lands or waters. They will stop any corporation or government that attempts to lay one section of pipe or put in one piling for a pier where a supertanker could tie up and be loaded or emptied. 

They will stop you without violence but they will stop you. 
You have been warned. 
It is upon your head(s) if you proceed!


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